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Constitution of the Society

Accepted as a charity by the Inland Revenue under Reference XR55901 (7 March 2002)

This constitution was formally adopted on the 7th February 2001 by the members of the Society in Special General Meeting. Signed by Mary Cumiskey, Chairperson.

This constitution supersedes the original constitution adopted in October 1984, with subsequent amendments it now reads as follows: -

1. Name

The name of the Society is Creggan Local History Society (hereinafter called "the Society").

2. Administration

Subject to the matters set out below the Society and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with this constitution by the members of the Management Committee, constituted by clause 5 of this constitution ("the Committee").

3. Objects

The Society is established to promote the advancement of education of the public by the study of history, both ecclesiastical and secular, to collect and distribute information on all aspects of the history of Creggan Parish in particular and of South Armagh in general. To be open to all without distinction of age, gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnic identity, disability, political or religious opinion, by associating the statutory authorities, voluntary organisations and the public in a common effort to advance education, and to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreation or other leisure-time occupation. In pursuance of these aims it is the intention of the Society to continue to make a positive contribution to interdenominational understanding and to mutual appreciation and knowledge of the different historical traditions.

The objects will be furthered by:

  1. The publication of an historical journal;
  2. Sponsoring at least one historical lecture;
  3. Providing an archive of historical material for public consultation;
  4. Co-operating with other Societies engaged in like work;
  5. Provide, maintain and equip or assist in the provision, maintenance and equipment of premises and facilities designed to carry out the objects of the Society;
  6. Organise or assist in organising activity programmes, training, meetings, lectures, classes and exhibition;
  7. Obtain collect and receive money by way of grants, donations, bequests, and legacies or other lawful method, provided that the Society shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities other than community-business activities designed to promote regeneration, and relieve unemployment in furtherance of the objects of the Society and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;
  8. Purchase take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any rights and privileges necessary for the promotion of the above objects and construct, maintain and alter any buildings or erections which the Society may think necessary for the promotion of its objects;
  9. Subject to any consents as may be required by law receive money on loan or deposit and borrow or raise money in such a manner as the Society shall think fit and to charge all or any part of the property of the Society with repayment of money so borrowed;
  10. Recruit and train volunteers with relevant skills to carry out the objects of the Society;
  11. Employ and pay any person or persons, not being a member of the Management Committee to supervise, organise and carry on the work of the Society and make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of remuneration to employees;
  12. Do all such lawful things as may be necessary for the attainment of the above objects or any of them;

4. Membership

  1. Membership of the Society shall be open to the public, irrespective of ethnic identity, age, gender, nationality, sexuality, political party or religion;
  2. To become a member of the Society, a person must be proposed and seconded by members of the Society at an Annual General Meeting and accepted as such by a majority of members present;
  3. Members shall pay an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be decided at the A.G.M. of the Society.

5. Management Committee

5.1 At the Society's A.G.M., a Committee consisting of Chairperson, ViceChairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, Editor, P.R.O plus two members of the Society shall be elected.

5.2 The Committee shall meet not les than 6 times a year and shall consist of not less than 4 who shall be members of the Society, elected at an Annual General Meeting.

5.3 Only members of the Society shall be eligible for election to the Committee

5.4 Members of the Committee shall normally hold office for a period of three years

5.5 One -third of the members of the Committee in turn shall vacate office each year. Out-going members shall be eligible for re-election.

6. Functions of the Committee.

  1. The Committee may make such regulations as they consider appropriate for the efficient conduct of the business of the Committee and the Society.
  2. The proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated by any failure to elect or any defect in the election, appointment, co-option or qualification of any member.

7. Chairing Meetings

All meetings of the Society or of the Committee or any of its subcommittees shall be presided over by its Chairperson failing whom its Vice-Chairperson. If neither the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson are present, those present may elect one of their members to take the Chair. The Chairperson of any meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

8. Finance.

8.1 All moneys raised by or on behalf of the Society shall be applied to further the objects of the Society and for no other purpose PROVIDED THAT nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment of legitimate out-of-pocket expenses to members of the Society engaged upon the approved business of the Society.

8.2 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Society.

8.3 The financial year of the Society shall run from 1st January to 31st December.

8.4 A statement of accounts for the last financial year shall be submitted by the Committee to the Annual General Meeting.

8.5 A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Society with the Bank of Ireland / T.S.B. or with other such bank as the Committee shall from time to time decide. The Committee shall authorise in writing the Honorary Treasurer and two members of the Committee to sign cheques on behalf of the Society. All cheques must be signed by not less than two (2) of the Three (3) authorised signatories.

9. Trustees:

  1. A Board of Trustees shall be appointed to act as guardians of the Society's ethos, assets and archives
  2. On the retirement, evidenced in writing, or death of one or any of the original Trustees, the remaining and surviving Trustees may select a replacement Trustee or Trustees.

10. Annual General Meeting:

10.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held not latter than February in each year at such place and time (not more than 15 months after the holding of the preceding Annual General Meeting) as the Committee shall determine.

10.2 At such Annual General Meeting the business shall include the following:

  1. the election of members to serve on the Committee
  2. the consideration of an Annual Report of the work done by or under the auspices of the Committee.
  3. The consideration of the audited accounts;
  4. The transaction of such other matters as may from time to time be considered necessary.

11. Special General Meetings.

The Committee may from time to time at its discretion and shall upon a requisition signed by not less than 4 members having the power to vote and giving reasons for the request, call a Special general Meeting of the Society for the purpose of altering the Constitution in accordance with clause 13 hereof or of considering any matter which may be referred to them by the Committee or for any other purpose.

12. Rules of procedure at all Meetings

  • Voting: Subject to the provisions of Clause 13 hereof all questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote thereat.
  • Minutes: Minute books shall be kept by the Committee and all other subcommittees and the appropriate Secretary shall enter therein a record of all proceedings and resolutions
  • Quorum: The quorum at General Meetings of the Society shall be 6 and at meetings of the Committee shall be more than half or such other number as the Committee may from time to time determine.
  • Standing Orders: The Committee shall have the power to adopt and issue Standing Orders and/or rules of the Society. Such Standing Orders and /or Rules shall come into operation immediately PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT they shall be subject to review by the Society in General Meeting and shall not be inconsistent with this constitution.

13. Alterations to the Constitution

13.1 Any alterations to this Constitution shall receive the assent of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Society present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or a meeting specially called for the purpose PROVIDED THAT notice of any such alteration shall have been received by the Honorary Secretary in writing not less than 14 clear days before the meeting at which the alteration is to be brought forward.

13.2 At least 7 clear days notice in writing of the meeting setting forth the terms of the alteration to be proposed shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary to each member of the Society PROVIDED FURTHER THAT no alteration shall be made which would cause the Society to cease to be a charity at law.

14. Dissolution

14.1 If the Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society they shall call a meeting of all members of the Society who have the power to vote of which meeting not less than 21 days notice (stating the terms of the Resolution to be proposed thereat) shall be given.

14.2 If such decision shall be confirmed by a simple majority of those present and voting at such meeting the Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of the Society.

14.3 Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Society as the Committee may decide.